Monday, July 14, 2014

The start of a new begging

Today is July 14th 2014, a Monday and I am currently waiting for my flight to Denver- which probably has a huge chance of it being delayed considering the weather is terrible. Anyhow, I am enjoying my summer so far although this summer is a very important one. It's so important because I'm transitioning into a new life and environment. My parents decided to make the move to California! Now moving from the New York/ New Jersey area to California, is a Jurassic change. Both places have very different qualities and vibes- but when I told all of my family, friends about the new move, they seemed to be extremely enthusiastic about it. People who hadn't really talked to me or really cared about me, started to tell me thing like that I was "lucky" and were so surprised. I am very excited to start a new adventure in my life, but I don't know what to expect. Not knowing what to expect might actually benefit me because now I can be myself and just go with the flow. Anyways, I wanted to start this blog because I want my close friends and family to hear my story- so when I come to visit for vacation, I don't have to constantly repeat my self and answer the same 100 questions I get asked. Also I want to be able to pin point my adventures in my life and be able to tell the story of a California girl- or as I like to call it, a fabulous girl, through my personal stories and photography. I hope everyone is enjoying the month of July and is having a good Monday. 